Vitamin D

Vitamin D

We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s recent intern and wellness writer. A few weeks ago, I was at the doctor’s office with a nasty sinus infection (boogers …what are ya’ gonna do?) After the nurse practitioner...
Road trip

Road trip

  We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s recent intern and wellness writer.     As we all know, living a life of wellness doesn’t stop at diet and exercise. There’s much more that contributes to a healthy...
Let’s play!

Let’s play!

Sometimes inspiration and insight come from images, and today’s aha is a great example. When I saw this moment captured in a photo by Dan Carlson on Unsplash, my first thought was, “I need to go play.” It was a visceral, gut realization that I need a...
Slow down, for Pete’s sake!

Slow down, for Pete’s sake!

Recently I found out I have a disease. It’s Hurry Sickness. That was abundantly clear when I read the title of this article, but could only skim it, since I was too busy to give it a thorough read at the time. Having finally (quickly) read the article, I feel...
Boost team wellness

Boost team wellness

Humanergy is composed of some focused, competitive folks. For many years we’ve been having a lot of fun as we combine wellness with healthy competition. Our most recent initiative divided us into two teams to set and then achieve exercise goals. Each person set...
Do unto yourself

Do unto yourself

When I tell a friend or colleague that I’ll do something, I make sure to do it. I take my commitments to others seriously, and when I fall short, I take action to ensure that it won’t happen again. That’s why this article struck such a chord....