My old friend

My old friend

Today’s post is written by Abby Watters, Humanergy’s Logistics Associate.  Stress is something we all have to navigate at one time or another. Whether it’s work-related or just life getting in the way, stress can be a monster that makes you think and act...
Everything is leadership

Everything is leadership

It turns out leaders can learn a lot from archers, archerists or whatever the correct term is for persons who do archery. The phrase, “everything is aiming,” was quoted in Jono Hey’s most recent sketchplanation. (If you aren’t a Jono Hey fan...
You’ll never be done

You’ll never be done

I just read a short article about the importance of taking time at the end of the day to contemplate, pray or otherwise spiritually focus. The piece inferred that you do this when you have everything done – your work completed, emails sent, Facebook and...
Do nothing

Do nothing

Once again, our friends at Brains on Fire have given us a well-needed kick in the pants. This post has inspired me to get off the frenzied, always-be-productive treadmill that has been my life. When was the last time I spent a chunk of time with no agenda, nothing...
Meditation as self-management

Meditation as self-management

The pace of life today means that leaders are almost always “on.” Carving out time for family, friends and self-care often takes a backseat to pressing issues. Many in business today are turning to meditation as a way to unplug, refocus and increase...
Focus your wandering mind

Focus your wandering mind

At the beginning of Humanergy’s meetings, our mindfulness expert, Launda Wheatley, helps us focus. She takes us through a series of breathing and centering activities that clear our minds and prepare us to engage in the meeting with concentration and purpose. I...