The challenge of linear thinkers

The challenge of linear thinkers

Samantha loves her job. She enjoys interacting with customers and meeting their needs. She does a great job when the issues and their answers are clear. But Samantha struggles when something unexpected happens and she needs to think on her feet. She can follow an...
Become more tolerant of ambiguity

Become more tolerant of ambiguity

People differ greatly in their tolerance for ambiguity, though it is uncommon for leaders to admit that they don’t like situations that are unclear. As leaders, they feel that they must be seen to roll with the punches, help people find clarity in uncertain...
On the receiving end of change

On the receiving end of change

Most advice about change is directed at leaders, often dealing with managing employees’ reactions to change. There are far fewer books and articles written from an employee-facing-change perspective. To roll with change in your organization, start with these...
Change is organic and messy

Change is organic and messy

Most leaders say they adapt well to change and some even say they relish it. What can be maddening about the change process is that its basic nature is not something we are comfortable with. Some leaders want to believe that change can be a mechanical process if they...