Giving feedback 101

Giving feedback 101

Have you ever found yourself needing to give feedback to a coworker, but you weren’t sure how? I’m new to this whole feedback thing, and it’s not natural for me. In fact, giving honest feedback is downright scary. The good news is that, with help from my team, I’ve...
Does size matter?

Does size matter?

Is it easier to communicate effectively in a small organization? Not necessarily. I have talked with many employees and owners of small businesses who bemoan the fact that they find it difficult to communicate even with a handful of employees. Ian Langworth moved from...
Can you really say no to your boss?

Can you really say no to your boss?

Even when you have a positive relationship, bringing bad news to the boss is something most people would rather avoid. This includes telling the boss, “no,” even when it’s the right thing to do. Sure, the supervisor should welcome honesty and candor...