by Christi Barrett | Conflict
Some team members hate conflict. Instead of openly airing the issues, conflict-averse people often go to their best friend on the team and complain about other team members. They say things like, “I don’t want to make trouble” or “It...
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
You get to work and read an email from a coworker: Christi – the side door was left unlocked between 2 and 3 pm again. Have you thought of creating a checklist that will help you remember? Jane You think: What a jerk Thanks for the helpful suggestion. I’ll try...
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence, Leadership
Intimidating, standoffish, mean and aloof. These are not words you want people to use when they describe you. The sad reality is that people who create this perception in others are often not aware of it. Think about it. Would you approach a snarly coworker to have a...
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
Kathryn Schulz did an amazing lecture on regret (Ted Lecture Best of 2011). She used her regret over getting a tattoo as an example, which I found amusing since to most folks, her tattoo is not spectacular in any way. She explored her intense feelings, which came in...
by Christi Barrett | Growth, Learning
We are hard-wired to be critical of new ideas. Maybe it’s our Stone-Age brains in the forefront, avoiding risk in order to survive. Sometimes the urge to appear intelligent and decisive can result in too-swift judgment of something novel. Art Markman’s...