by John Barrett | Delegation
Bob, one of your direct reports, comes into your office, obviously stressed. “The client just found another glitch in the software. They’re threatening to cancel the work.” People come to you with problems on a daily basis. It might be tempting to...
by Christi Barrett | Supervision
I stumbled across this term and thought it probably summed me up pretty well early in my career. Yea, I was all about delegating to others, and then I found ways to check up on them. I would add little details I’d forgotten, pass on tips, or frequently ask,...
by David Wheatley | Delegation, Leadership
Refrigerator magnet spotted at a client’s office recently: “Of course I don’t look busy. I delegated it right the first time.” While competent delegation won’t really take away all of your work, it will mean that you’re able to do what...
by Christi Barrett | Leadership, Performance, Time Management, Wellness, Work/Life Balance
A dear friend used to talk about the “elasticity” of time. That was his way of describing his cultural perspective on time, which was in stark contrast to mine. I think of time as finite and concrete. (“You’re either on time or you’re...