by Christi Barrett | Communication
I love those Snickers commercials that feature the byline, “You’re not you when you’re hungry.” This relates to a discussion at a recent Humanergy meeting about how people deal with difficult or stressful situations. Because we’re human,...
by Christi Barrett | Communication
I’m old enough to remember life without email. Believe it or not, when you needed to know something, you picked up the phone. And if they weren’t there, you left a message, often with a real live person. It wasn’t uncommon to skip the phone and...
by David Wheatley | Teamwork
Sofia didn’t recognize what was going on until Jason joined the team. The group had been chugging along, producing apparently-great work with few problems. Jason was the first new team member in a couple of years, and he shared some surprising observations. For...
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
You get to work and read an email from a coworker: Christi – the side door was left unlocked between 2 and 3 pm again. Have you thought of creating a checklist that will help you remember? Jane You think: What a jerk Thanks for the helpful suggestion. I’ll try...