Open yourself to awe

Open yourself to awe

Those amazing folks at Brains on Fire posted this video on their blog, and it blew my doors off! I won’t attempt to summarize this, except to say that I am going to put away my media for a part of each day in order to be awed and inspired. Watch it now. Imagine...
Can you fix people?

Can you fix people?

We have heard it before. “You can’t change people.” Yet we persist with the idea that if we just use the right words at the right time, the other person will “get it.” In “Leadership in the Age of Complexity: From Hero to...
How to kill wisdom

How to kill wisdom

Barry Schwartz studies wisdom and gave a brilliant Ted lecture on the topic that you won’t want to miss. In case you don’t have 20 minutes to watch the whole lecture now, here are the highlights. Leaders want to encourage certain behaviors in their...
Three steps to selling anything

Three steps to selling anything

We recently had a fascinating team discussion about business development. Experts say that the vast majority of successful sales conversations involve the buyer talking more than the seller. (No wonder we are turned off by the fast-talking used car salesperson!)...