by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
I thought I was pretty immune to secondhand stress. Then came the coronavirus and massive change, economic pressure and working remotely. A Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review reminded me that no (wo)man is an island when it comes to picking up...
by Christi Barrett | Choice
Remember your first day on the job at a new organization? No history, no gossip, no intrigue, no politics, no unrealistic expectations, no cliques, no negativity. Can you go back and experience that now that you’ve been working in the same place for a while?...
by Christi Barrett | Goals, Strategic
Most leaders I know have lost sleep because they are preoccupied with work. They’ve felt pulled in multiple directions at once. They often don’t feel like there is enough time in the day to do what needs to be done. One recently commented, “I have 15...
by Christi Barrett | Communication
This week’s blog post is authored by Abby Watters, one of our newest Humanergists. Do you remember the famous knock knock joke about the interrupting cow? If your memory fails you, it goes a little something like this: “Knock knock…” “Who’s there?”...
by David Wheatley | Emotional Intelligence
While we’re not big on people categorization, sometimes great questions do emerge from these distinctions. I find that you can categorize people as inward-journey and outward-journey focused. Inward-journey people seek to understand themselves and others and...