by David Wheatley | Transition
Transitions are afoot, as many organizations implement plans to bring workers back to the office, now that many states and municipalities are reducing COVID-19 restrictions. Most organizations are going to offer a hybrid model moving forward, with some people in the...
by David Wheatley | Delegation, Training
Daisy is a cow. She just got a new field. Daisy is excited and a little anxious about this new field. On the first day, Daisy’s anxiety caused her to stick pretty much to the middle of the field. Emily, the farmer, left her alone to find her own way. A few days later,...
by David Wheatley | Delegation, Leadership
Refrigerator magnet spotted at a client’s office recently: “Of course I don’t look busy. I delegated it right the first time.” While competent delegation won’t really take away all of your work, it will mean that you’re able to do what...