Feed your mind, body and spirit

Feed your mind, body and spirit

The pandemic has created more discretionary time in some people’s calendars, as virtual work eliminates commute time and travel is less common. To be clear, we know that for essential workers the crisis has resulted in long hours with little free time, and...
How to change your life

How to change your life

I was pumped when I heard that our own Michelle VanderMeer, Humanergy coach and trainer extraordinaire, was going to have her career transition story featured in a new ebook. I was prepared to like it, just because, well, it features Michelle, who is intelligent and...
What journey are you taking?

What journey are you taking?

While we’re not big on people categorization, sometimes great questions do emerge from these distinctions. I find that you can categorize people as inward-journey and outward-journey focused.Inward-journey people seek to understand themselves and others and...