by Christi Barrett | Hybrid Work
Plans are underway – or being implemented right now – for many employees to return to their offices “post”-COVID. We won’t weigh in on the health and safety issues of a return to physical cohabitation during the work day. We WILL join...
by David Wheatley | Crisis
For many people, 2020 brought challenges that were unprecedented and relentless. The global pandemic, economic, educational and health inequalities, police brutality and political upheaval created a stew of anxiety, uncertainty and often great pain and loss. Much of...
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
I thought I was pretty immune to secondhand stress. Then came the coronavirus and massive change, economic pressure and working remotely. A Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review reminded me that no (wo)man is an island when it comes to picking up...
by Christi Barrett | Choice
Remember your first day on the job at a new organization? No history, no gossip, no intrigue, no politics, no unrealistic expectations, no cliques, no negativity. Can you go back and experience that now that you’ve been working in the same place for a while?...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Feedback
Kim Scott is a veteran of a long career in technology, including a long stint at Google. In a presentation at First Round’s CEO roundtable, she describes how she learned to give and get feedback at Google. In order to foster an environment of growth, the culture...