Noise reduction

Noise reduction

Beginning on Independence Day, I’ve taken steps to reduce the noise in my life. Not the actual airwaves kind of noise, but the distracting and time-sucking digital overload. Maybe you’ll find these two steps helpful in simplifying your life: Unsubscribe...
That first-day-of-work feeling

That first-day-of-work feeling

Remember your first day on the job at a new organization? No history, no gossip, no intrigue, no politics, no unrealistic expectations, no cliques, no negativity. Can you go back and experience that now that you’ve been working in the same place for a while?...
Daily choice

Daily choice

“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row,...
Keep remote workers “close”

Keep remote workers “close”

For more than a year, I was a remote worker. No office, no designated area, not even a dedicated coffee mug at the office.My boss was on board with the arrangement, but left it largely to me to figure out how to communicate and make it all work. (In his defense,...
How to stop

How to stop

A participant in Humanergy’s supervisory leadership courses asked a great question. He’d just learned about Stop, Think and Choose as a tool to make good choices. But how do you stop yourself from reacting when someone or something pushes your buttons? ...