What really motivates?

What really motivates?

“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” So says Mario Andretti, one of the most...
A clean desk makes you more productive?

A clean desk makes you more productive?

Confession: I generally have a messy desk. Yet I feel increasingly drawn to tidying it up before I dig into work. (Yes, the photo on my post is my actual desk. And, no, I didn’t clean it before I snapped the picture.) Maybe that’s because I subconsciously...
Tidy desk = better results?

Tidy desk = better results?

I just took one of those goofy quizzes on Facebook. This one was about the tidiness of my desk. Result? Clean up your act. That got me thinking (not cleaning). Does a tidy desk make you more productive? This article from the New York Times, which quoted a study...
Power of walk and talk

Power of walk and talk

The word “meeting” has a negative connotation for many people. However, getting people in the same space (virtual or physical) is a requirement for getting some of our important work done. Humanergy’s always been a champion of “walk and...