The one thing you can do

The one thing you can do

While Abby Wambach’s book, WOLFPACK: How to Come Together, Unleash our Power and Change the Game. may seem to be a book on women’s leadership, it is really a book for everyone and the choices we make. In every situation, you can make a choice that embodies...
Conquer collaboration

Conquer collaboration

Collaboration – working with others to get something done – is a desirable, productive action. The meeting of multiple minds usually means a better outcome than could be achieved alone. Because of this bias toward collaboration, the downside is sometimes...
Are you stumped?

Are you stumped?

Leaders are fantastic problem-solvers. However, there may be situations that are so confusing that they defy the typical problem-solving strategies. What do you do when you’re faced with a thorny dilemma and can’t think of what to do? Steve McKee...
The problem with problems

The problem with problems

Today’s leaders are problem-solvers. Issues can take a toll when the quandaries pile up or have serious implications. What’s an overwhelmed leader to do? Rethink problems as issues to resolve, not obstacles or unnecessary headaches. It seems like a minor...