by John Barrett | Delegation
Back in 1974, Oncken and Wass wrote a Harvard Business Review article called, “Who’s Got the Monkey?” It used monkeys as metaphors for tasks or projects. It was well-received nearly 50 years ago, and the article remains a popular reprint today. The...
by Christi Barrett | Delegation
“I can’t delegate anything! We’ve had staff cuts, and everyone is too busy already.” That’s a pretty frequent comment made by leaders. Is there no other option but doing it yourself? Actually, delegation can still happen, even if...
by Christi Barrett | Growth, Learning
Humanergy loves helping people learn new best practices that become fluid habits. Although we could write a lengthy white paper on the topic, in short, habit development typically requires that people master new ideas and tangible skills, practice them on real-life...
by Christi Barrett | Results, Strategic
I recently watched the movie The Intern, a lighthearted office story about a young chief executive and her intern, who happens to be a 70-year-old retired guy. In the movie, Jules, the CEO, is struggling. She works 16+ hours a day as the organization is growing...
by David Wheatley | Time Management
There are lots of complicated processes about how to get things done. However, some of the best advice is simple. I try to start each day with four options. Given the work at hand, I decide to take one of these actions: Do it. These are the things I need to get done...