Feed your mind, body and spirit

Feed your mind, body and spirit

The pandemic has created more discretionary time in some people’s calendars, as virtual work eliminates commute time and travel is less common. To be clear, we know that for essential workers the crisis has resulted in long hours with little free time, and...
Live into new ways of thinking

Live into new ways of thinking

“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” ― Richard RohrMind. Blown.Richard Rohr continues to upend my long-held beliefs, and this certainly happened when I read this statement. And it’s...
Quick succession planning

Quick succession planning

Today’s blogger is David Wheatley, principal and co-founder of Humanergy.I work with many leaders who get stressed about the idea of a succession plan. Too often they invest large amounts of time to come up with an extensive plan that never gets implemented.So I...
Creating a new habit is hard. Do it anyway.

Creating a new habit is hard. Do it anyway.

Rarely do I read something and have my mind blown (of course not literally). Today it happened. To summarize this amazing blog post by Farnam Street, if you want to make a change, like eating healthier foods, you actually have to do it. At some point, you have to eat...
Too many goals?

Too many goals?

I’m a reformed goal-setter. I do set goals, of course, but more carefully than in years past. I used to have long lists of goals – for work, fitness, relationships, balance, etc. Could I have recited them all without referring to my list?...