by Christi Barrett | Change, Growth
I’ve embarked on an exercise program with the help of a personal trainer. Having been a slacker for quite some time, I am finding it very challenging. At times, my body just won’t do what I want it to do. It’s extremely frustrating that I can’t...
by Christi Barrett | Decisiveness, Success
Rush, rush, rush. Decide, execute, move quickly! I get so caught up with getting stuff done that I rarely press the pause button. This may be fine on the surface. But the result is I am not as efficient and effective as I should be. This morning, I sent two emails to...
by Christi Barrett | Wellness
Today’s post is written by Abby Watters, Humanergy’s Logistics Associate. Stress is something we all have to navigate at one time or another. Whether it’s work-related or just life getting in the way, stress can be a monster that makes you think and act...
by Christi Barrett | Wellness
I just read a short article about the importance of taking time at the end of the day to contemplate, pray or otherwise spiritually focus. The piece inferred that you do this when you have everything done – your work completed, emails sent, Facebook and...
by David Wheatley | Time Management
There are lots of complicated processes about how to get things done. However, some of the best advice is simple. I try to start each day with four options. Given the work at hand, I decide to take one of these actions: Do it. These are the things I need to get done...