by Christi Barrett | Time Management
Now more than ever, the need to spend time wisely really matters. For that reason, it is important to use proven and practical strategies for managing time and making the most of every minute. One easy method is to flex work hours so that you’re working more in...
by Christi Barrett | Coaching
If you supervise other people, you’ve probably also been a coach. Yes, you need to hold folks accountable. And you need to have separate conversations that are about growth and learning asĀ a partner in theirĀ development. I heartily recommend the book, The...
by Christi Barrett | Learning, Performance
Balls get dropped. Mistakes are made. These things happen, and we find ourselves putting out fires and moving on…sometimes to the next fire. The funny thing about problems is that we all know it’s what we do about them that really matters. Yet we rarely...
by Christi Barrett | Change, Leadership
Leaders have been encouraged to stop making excuses and simply apologize when they make mistakes. Good advice, but it isn’t enough to say you’re sorry. It really isn’t that hard to apologize. What is really hard is changing your behavior, so that you...
by Christi Barrett | Leadership, Teamwork
I am a card-carrying member of ASDT (Adult Survivors of a Dysfunctional Team). I am sure that it is just a coincidence (or the fact that I have been working for many, many years), but I’ve served on a few teams that were not productive. Dysfunctional teams do...