by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence, Feedback
Everyone is capable of a whiny day. When circumstances feel overwhelming or hopeless, even a sunny person can lapse into whining. An employee with overall attitude of negativity is another thing altogether. The knee-jerk reaction might be to conclude that this...
by Christi Barrett | Decision-making, Decisiveness
I have never been accused of being indecisive. I rarely second-guess previous choices. Yet I sometimes wonder if there would be merit in being more thorough in my analysis of the quality of my decisions. This was brought front-of-mind when I read the HBR...
by Christi Barrett | Performance, Wellness
It turns out leaders can learn a lot from archers, archerists or whatever the correct term is for persons who do archery. The phrase, “everything is aiming,” was quoted in Jono Hey’s most recent sketchplanation. (If you aren’t a Jono Hey...
by Christi Barrett | Creativity, Flexibility, Learning
Tendonitis in my knee has resulted in a fairly long stint in physical therapy. During the course of treatment, my regular therapist took a vacation, so received treatment from a different therapist. I expected to receive the same type of treatment, but what I got was...
by Christi Barrett | Conflict
In a perfect world, people in conflict would work things out and emerge stronger. In the real world, conflict can be complicated and take some time to resolve. While we firmly believe that the vast majority of conflicts can come to successful resolution, it takes time...