by Christi Barrett | Feedback
Delivering constructive feedback is not easy to do, even when you have opportunities to be face-to-face. Working virtually means few, if any in-person interactions, but that does not mean you’re off the hook when it comes to sharing direct, honest and caring...
by Christi Barrett | Supervision
More than half of the people who leave their jobs do so because of their boss, according to the smart people at Gallup. Sure, employee engagement (emotional commitment to the organization and its goals) matters, too. Who is responsible for 70% of an employee’s...
by John Barrett | Accountability, Coaching
Today’s blogger is John Barrett, Principal and co-founder of Humanergy. Sue is preparing for her monthly meeting with Sam, one of her direct reports. She has some concerns about his attention to detail and the status of a couple of his projects. A critical...
by Christi Barrett | Teamwork
It’s all too easy for teams to settle for good performance. Over time, leaders and team members begin to adjust their expectations, aligning with what’s being achieved now. But how do you move a team of people from good to great performance? How do you...
by Christi Barrett | Leadership, Supervision
It may seem like common sense that when a teacher expects students to excel at a certain level, the students do. Grading can be subjective, after all. It is more surprising that studies of teachers have found that students’ scores on objective IQ tests...