by Christi Barrett | Influence
You have the most amazing idea, and you’re sure it’s going to revolutionize the organization. But when you present it to the team, people are not enthused. What do you do now? First, and foremost, recognize that you might be wrong. As Kathryn Schulz (a...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Transition
Leaving one company for another is a transition that must be handled carefully. Some of the most successful departures we’ve witnessed have had these characteristics: Communicated as early as possible to the direct supervisor and human resources Focused on the...
by David Wheatley | Creativity, Growth, Organizational Climate, Teamwork
This humble pile of stones has been created (and re-created) at Humanergy’s back door. Although I created it initially, it is not uncommon to find people adding to the stack or re-building it after a strong wind or curious squirrel took its toll. Rock stacking...
by Christi Barrett | Coaching, Leadership
Experience is a wonderful teacher. If you’ve ever tried to convince someone of something by using your gift of gab, you know what I mean. It’s hard to talk people into changing their minds. Once people have experienced something for themselves, they...