by Christi Barrett | Growth, Motivation
Last week, my daughter, Maggie, performed in the middle school band solo/ensemble competition. Having never experienced this type of event, I figured I’d be watching three young people perform pretty well, in spite of their extreme nervousness. That definitely...
by David Wheatley | Growth
Your once-well-oiled machine of a team is experiencing strife. Some people seem to be spending more time whining than doing their jobs. A high-priority project is behind schedule and over budget. What questions do you ask to understand what’s really going on?...
by Christi Barrett | Coaching, Courage, Standards
A recent post by Robert Sutton of Stanford University for Harvard Business Review has a provocative title, “Bad is Stronger Than Good: Evidence-Based Advice for Bosses.” The title and some of the introductory paragraphs might give you the impression that...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Motivation, Performance
A recent blog post by Mike Figliuolo called Email Stupidity: Reply All Cuts Both Ways advocated that the Reply All button should be eliminated from email applications. His concerns were around inappropriate use – like using Reply All to share criticism. The only...