by Christi Barrett | Communication
The current reality of COVID-19 means that most of us are physically separated from others, including teammates, colleagues and customers. When we are in the same vicinity, we’re wearing face coverings to prevent the virus from spreading further. This is a vital...
by Christi Barrett | Choice, Teamwork
Bernard is a real pain. So says Beth, one of Bernard’s teammates. There’s been bad blood between these two for years, and Beth has no patience for dealing with Bernard, even when she has to partner with him on projects. As the new team leader, how do you...
by Christi Barrett | Change
“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” ― Richard Rohr Mind. Blown. Richard Rohr continues to upend my long-held beliefs, and this certainly happened when I read this statement. And it’s true. Sometimes...
by David Wheatley | Communication
Teams across the world are engaged in conversations around race, racism, white privilege and equity. These issues are complex and deeply emotional. That’s why: Organizations need to remain committed to open, honest dialogue that takes place over time. One...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Conflict
My colleague, Karen Weideman, recounted a story of a situation her 89-year old mother, Betty, faces on a regular basis. Betty is a great pianist and plays regularly at her retirement facility. Her mature audience loves that she can play anything they can call out...