by Christi Barrett | Discipline, Productivity
Let’s be clear we are talking about stuff – paper, gadgets, broken equipment and the like. As Humanergy has transitioned from a large office (equivalent to 3-bedroom home with full basement, plus two outbuildings), we are living into the benefits of a...
by David Wheatley | Creativity, Growth, Organizational Climate, Teamwork
This humble pile of stones has been created (and re-created) at Humanergy’s back door. Although I created it initially, it is not uncommon to find people adding to the stack or re-building it after a strong wind or curious squirrel took its toll. Rock stacking...
by Christi Barrett | Leadership
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates Life seems to move at the speed of light, and most leaders don’t feel they have the luxury of stepping back to reflect. Yes, you may do a project debrief when you finish a chunk of work. But when...