Let’s play!

Let’s play!

Sometimes inspiration and insight come from images, and today’s aha is a great example. When I saw this moment captured in a photo by Dan Carlson on Unsplash, my first thought was, “I need to go play.” It was a visceral, gut realization that I need a...
Do nothing

Do nothing

Once again, our friends at Brains on Fire have given us a well-needed kick in the pants. This post has inspired me to get off the frenzied, always-be-productive treadmill that has been my life. When was the last time I spent a chunk of time with no agenda, nothing...
The end of an era

The end of an era

It is with great sadness that we mourn the death of the Humanergy kettle. Though it was only an inanimate object, this water boiler was a part of our lives every day of the organization’s existence. (Some of us visited it several times a day for the perfect...
Humanergy’s 15!

Humanergy’s 15!

Humanergy was founded on March 1, 2000 and we celebrated its 15th birthday with cake, gifts and fun. (Ask John and David about their bobbleheads!) What a milestone, especially if you consider that 80% of new businesses fail in the first 18 months. To what do we owe...