Too passionate?

Too passionate?

Here at Humanergy, we are passionate about what we do – helping leaders, teams and organizations thrive. We’d even go so far as to say that passion at work is a prerequisite for great leadership, team work and individual contribution. And it should also be...
Conquer collaboration

Conquer collaboration

Collaboration – working with others to get something done – is a desirable, productive action. The meeting of multiple minds usually means a better outcome than could be achieved alone. Because of this bias toward collaboration, the downside is sometimes...
Independence in leadership

Independence in leadership

Today’s blogger is Humanergy’s Business Development and Marketing Manager, Tiffany Funk. If you’re wondering how to distinguish yourself as a leader within your organization, let your independence shine. Instead of working to make sure your thoughts, goals...
Goals are great, and…

Goals are great, and…

One of the best and most satisfying aspects of our work at Humanergy is when a person reflects on what they’ve learned in their leadership journey. A recent coaching client remarked, “You know, I’ve always been a goal-oriented person. What I’ve...