What Great Teams Do Great: Choice spaces

What Great Teams Do Great: Choice spaces

Susanna is a firefighter and willingly rushes into dangerous situations with her teammates to save others. Asim is a nurse, working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. These examples of individual choices are dramatic, and they may seem more in line with our...
Change is hard – just ask monkeys

Change is hard – just ask monkeys

Five monkeys are in a cage with a bunch of bananas hanging from the roof. When a step ladder is placed under the bananas, one of the monkeys starts to climb it. Whenever a monkey climbs the ladder, all the monkeys are immediately hosed down with cold water. From that...
You need to let go

You need to let go

If you’re human, you’ve probably experienced the pain of letting go. It can be difficult to step away from something that you think you really want, even if isn’t serving you well. That toxic-but-exciting relationship. The ever-present cell phone....
Creating a new habit is hard. Do it anyway.

Creating a new habit is hard. Do it anyway.

Rarely do I read something and have my mind blown (of course not literally). Today it happened. To summarize this amazing blog post by Farnam Street, if you want to make a change, like eating healthier foods, you actually have to do it. At some point, you have to eat...
And what else?

And what else?

If you supervise other people, you’ve probably also been a coach. Yes, you need to hold folks accountable. And you need to have separate conversations that are about growth and learning as a partner in their development.I heartily recommend the book,...