Energy drinks!

Energy drinks!

We are pleased to welcome Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s recent intern, as our guest blogger this week. Red Bull, Monster, Burn, Rockstar…these are a few of the most popular energy drinks on the market today. However, even as a young, rebellious 20 year old,...
Let’s play!

Let’s play!

Sometimes inspiration and insight come from images, and today’s aha is a great example. When I saw this moment captured in a photo by Dan Carlson on Unsplash, my first thought was, “I need to go play.” It was a visceral, gut realization that I need a...
Boost team wellness

Boost team wellness

Humanergy is composed of some focused, competitive folks. For many years we’ve been having a lot of fun as we combine wellness with healthy competition. Our most recent initiative divided us into two teams to set and then achieve exercise goals. Each person set...
Why wellness matters

Why wellness matters

Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and near the end of your rope? You’re not alone. A 2006 study conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership found that “88% of leaders report that work is a primary source of stress in their lives and that having a...