by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
Hope can be hard to find (or keep) during challenging, unpredictable times. Understanding the components of hope helps us see and believe in the light at the end of the tunnel. Goals – Have a desired future state to aim for. Make it SMART (specific, measurable,...
by Christi Barrett | Crisis
Originally posted after David and Launda Wheatley’s transatlantic adventure in 2015, this blog offers practical insight on measuring progress in the midst of chaos. It has been edited slightly since the original. When you’re in the midst of turmoil, it...
by Christi Barrett | Results
When you’re in the midst of turmoil, it can be hard to remain calm and difficult to see progress. Abundant examples of this happened when David and Launda Wheatley sailed across the Atlantic with two other crew aboard the Ruby May. Many days seemed to produce no...
by Christi Barrett | Courage, Decision-making, Leadership
Are you the type of person who prefers to look at the world through rose-colored glasses? If so, you may be missing some important aspects of your organization’s reality. Let’s face it. It ain’t all pretty. And some parts of reality are just darn...
by John Barrett | Discipline, Leadership
We’ve been hearing a lot about hope lately. The tragedy is that so many of us don’t feel hopeful right now. Think of the brutal facts on the news, in our quarterly 401K statement or our paycheck (if we’re lucky enough to have one). Ouch. It’s...