Four steps to employee engagement

Four steps to employee engagement

More than half of the people who leave their jobs do so because of their boss, according to the smart people at Gallup. Sure, employee engagement (emotional commitment to the organization and its goals) matters, too. Who is responsible for 70% of an employee’s...
Choose your words

Choose your words

I cringed when I read this post by Karin Hurt of Let’s Grow Leaders. It reminded me of many times when I’ve spoken without carefully choosing my words. Most often, the results weren’t awful, like the loss of credibility Hurt examines. However, I know...
Stop saying you are sorry

Stop saying you are sorry

Leaders have been encouraged to stop making excuses and simply apologize when they make mistakes. Good advice, but it isn’t enough to say you’re sorry. It really isn’t that hard to apologize. What is really hard is changing your behavior, so that you...
Focus your wandering mind

Focus your wandering mind

At the beginning of Humanergy’s meetings, our mindfulness expert, Launda Wheatley, helps us focus. She takes us through a series of breathing and centering activities that clear our minds and prepare us to engage in the meeting with concentration and purpose. I...
Assume the best

Assume the best

You get to work and read an email from a coworker: Christi – the side door was left unlocked between 2 and 3 pm again. Have you thought of creating a checklist that will help you remember? Jane You think: What a jerk Thanks for the helpful suggestion. I’ll try...