by Christi Barrett | Communication, Supervision
You are a dedicated supervisor, and you take the time to engage in conversation with your people on a regular basis. Great job! Yet you may not be having the right kind of discussions – the ones that build employee engagement. Kristi Hedges, who wrote Four...
by Christi Barrett | Creativity, Flexibility
Those amazing folks at Brains on Fire posted this video on their blog, and it blew my doors off! I won’t attempt to summarize this, except to say that I am going to put away my media for a part of each day in order to be awed and inspired. Watch it now. Imagine...
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence, Leadership
You may feel that you have plenty of reasons to be cynical. The world can be perceived as perpetually gloomy given worldwide terrorism, the collapse of our financial system and ongoing scandals. However, you don’t have the luxury of cynicism if you want to be an...