I hate to tell you this, but…

I hate to tell you this, but…

Susan believed that allowing her team to work flexible hours was good for the company and helped people balance work and life. When corporate decreed that employees had to work a more set schedule, Susan struggled with supporting her people and falling in line with...
The problem with problems

The problem with problems

Today’s leaders are problem-solvers. Issues can take a toll when the quandaries pile up or have serious implications. What’s an overwhelmed leader to do? Rethink problems as issues to resolve, not obstacles or unnecessary headaches. It seems like a minor...
No opinion

No opinion

I hardly ever have no opinion or am wishy-washy about an issue. (I did the “What’s your superpower?” assessment, and it was no surprise that mine was decisiveness.) That is why this article by Steve McKee resonated. It’s a message I really need...
What if you’re wrong…or right?

What if you’re wrong…or right?

You have the most amazing idea, and you’re sure it’s going to revolutionize the organization. But when you present it to the team, people are not enthused. What do you do now? First, and foremost, recognize that you might be wrong. As Kathryn Schulz (a...
Moving teams to great performance

Moving teams to great performance

It’s all too easy for teams to settle for good performance. Over time, leaders and team members begin to adjust their expectations, aligning with what’s being achieved now. But how do you  move a team of people from good to great performance? How do you...