Four ways to create superior meetings

Four ways to create superior meetings

Do you look forward to meetings? (Yes, we know you just spit up your coffee when you read that.) Most people find meetings to be overly long, boring, repetitive and lacking concrete outcomes. Given how much of our work lives we spend in meetings, this issue of poorly...
Lead your leader: Managing up

Lead your leader: Managing up

Bosses come in all shapes, sizes and types. Knowing how to manage up, influence and collaborate with Boss A does not guarantee you’ll get good results with Boss B. Yet there are some general principles that apply to everyone, like getting to know your...
Are your meetings intense?

Are your meetings intense?

Think of the last meeting you attended. Was it a snooze-fest, or was there keen interest? Excitement, perhaps? Patrick Lencioni says that meetings should be intense, or they shouldn’t be happening at all.How can you transform your meetings from blah to...
Power of walk and talk

Power of walk and talk

The word “meeting” has a negative connotation for many people. However, getting people in the same space (virtual or physical) is a requirement for getting some of our important work done. Humanergy’s always been a champion of “walk and...