Make meetings matter

Make meetings matter

One key reason to have a meeting is to make a decision. And often this does not go well. You’ve been in a meeting like this. A group of smart people come together to discuss important topics, but nobody really knows who will or how to decide on an action (or...
Virtual meeting best practices

Virtual meeting best practices

We talk a lot about meetings, in this blog and with our wonderful clients. 2020 has created a need for another set of best practices when it comes to meetings, as most of these interactions occur virtually these days. Here are a few practical actions you can take to...
An alternative to exit interviews

An alternative to exit interviews

Ah, the exit interview. For the organization, this is seen as a good opportunity to get some insight and feedback before the person leaves. For the interviewee, the exit interview can be a quandary. Do I tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Do I...
Four ways to create superior meetings

Four ways to create superior meetings

Do you look forward to meetings? (Yes, we know you just spit up your coffee when you read that.) Most people find meetings to be overly long, boring, repetitive and lacking concrete outcomes. Given how much of our work lives we spend in meetings, this issue of poorly...
Lead your leader: Managing up

Lead your leader: Managing up

Bosses come in all shapes, sizes and types. Knowing how to manage up, influence and collaborate with Boss A does not guarantee you’ll get good results with Boss B. Yet there are some general principles that apply to everyone, like getting to know your...