How to herd cats

How to herd cats

You’re scheduled for a meeting next week, and you receive the agenda in your email. You’re pleased to see that there is a designated facilitator for the meeting, but not so thrilled that it’s you. If your meetings are like mine, they can sometimes...
Boost team wellness

Boost team wellness

Humanergy is composed of some focused, competitive folks. For many years we’ve been having a lot of fun as we combine wellness with healthy competition. Our most recent initiative divided us into two teams to set and then achieve exercise goals. Each person set...
Focus your wandering mind

Focus your wandering mind

At the beginning of Humanergy’s meetings, our mindfulness expert, Launda Wheatley, helps us focus. She takes us through a series of breathing and centering activities that clear our minds and prepare us to engage in the meeting with concentration and purpose. I...
Be awake

Be awake

I thought I was awake. I was out of bed, dressed and attending an important meeting. Yet I was functionally asleep. My mind was wandering from the current discussion to things that happened in the past and then ahead to what my weekend would bring. MindTools calls...