Noise reduction

Noise reduction

Beginning on Independence Day, I’ve taken steps to reduce the noise in my life. Not the actual airwaves kind of noise, but the distracting and time-sucking digital overload. Maybe you’ll find these two steps helpful in simplifying your life:...
Hold up a minute

Hold up a minute

Rush, rush, rush. Decide, execute, move quickly! I get so caught up with getting stuff done that I rarely press the pause button. This may be fine on the surface. But the result is I am not as efficient and effective as I should be. This morning, I sent two emails to...
Leadership requirement: X-ray vision

Leadership requirement: X-ray vision

High performance leaders know how to read the pulse of the organization. They regularly adjust strategies and tactics based on their understanding of what is really going on. This type of X-ray vision is the ability to see the unknown, inner mechanism of people and...