by Christi Barrett | Hybrid Work
Plans are underway – or being implemented right now – for many employees to return to their offices “post”-COVID. We won’t weigh in on the health and safety issues of a return to physical cohabitation during the work day. We WILL join...
by David Wheatley | Transition
Transitions are afoot, as many organizations implement plans to bring workers back to the office, now that many states and municipalities are reducing COVID-19 restrictions. Most organizations are going to offer a hybrid model moving forward, with some people in the...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Success
You’ve heard that it’s important for leaders to get out of their offices. That can be tough, given the deadlines and pressures you’re facing. Plus, walking around isn’t just to be seen; you need to find authentic and meaningful ways to...
by Christi Barrett | Creativity, Performance
I just took one of those goofy quizzes on Facebook. This one was about the tidiness of my desk. Result? Clean up your act.That got me thinking (not cleaning). Does a tidy desk make you more productive?This article from the New York Times, which quoted a study...
by Christi Barrett | Performance
For more than a year, I was a remote worker. No office, no designated area, not even a dedicated coffee mug at the office.My boss was on board with the arrangement, but left it largely to me to figure out how to communicate and make it all work. (In his defense,...