by Christi Barrett | Hybrid Work
Plans are underway – or being implemented right now – for many employees to return to their offices “post”-COVID. We won’t weigh in on the health and safety issues of a return to physical cohabitation during the work day. We WILL join...
by David Wheatley | Communication
Teams across the world are engaged in conversations around race, racism, white privilege and equity. These issues are complex and deeply emotional. That’s why: Organizations need to remain committed to open, honest dialogue that takes place over time. One...
by David Wheatley | Delegation, Training
Daisy is a cow. She just got a new field. Daisy is excited and a little anxious about this new field. On the first day, Daisy’s anxiety caused her to stick pretty much to the middle of the field. Emily, the farmer, left her alone to find her own way. A few days later,...
by Christi Barrett | Decision-making, Judgment
Today’s polarized political climate is disturbing to many. We’d like to think our organizations are more unified. We definitely want more civility at work, even when opinions on issues differ. How do you as a leader set a tone that both honors disagreeing...
by Christi Barrett | Change, Communication
I hardly ever have no opinion or am wishy-washy about an issue. (I did the “What’s your superpower?” assessment, and it was no surprise that mine was decisiveness.) That is why this article by Steve McKee resonated. It’s a message I really need...