by Christi Barrett | Decision-making, Judgment
Today’s polarized political climate is disturbing to many. We’d like to think our organizations are more unified. We definitely want more civility at work, even when opinions on issues differ. How do you as a leader set a tone that both honors disagreeing...
by Christi Barrett | Change, Communication
I hardly ever have no opinion or am wishy-washy about an issue. (I did the “What’s your superpower?” assessment, and it was no surprise that mine was decisiveness.) That is why this article by Steve McKee resonated. It’s a message I really need...
by Nancy Owsianowski | Communication
Today’s guest blogger is Nancy Owsianowski, friend of Humanergy and founder of RoundTable Consulting in South Bend, Indiana. “Leaders {who} refuse to listen will quickly be surrounded by people with nothing to say.” This quote by Andy Stanley...
by Christi Barrett | Growth, Learning
We are hard-wired to be critical of new ideas. Maybe it’s our Stone-Age brains in the forefront, avoiding risk in order to survive. Sometimes the urge to appear intelligent and decisive can result in too-swift judgment of something novel. Art Markman’s...
by Christi Barrett | Decision-making, Emotional Intelligence, Judgment, Leadership
I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty much always right. I may be able to put on a face of openness, but I am at heart a very opinionated person. Ask me about almost any subject, and I most likely will have a strong (and well-reasoned) opinion on it. The...