by Christi Barrett | Crisis
The reality of a global pandemic is upon us, and individuals, teams and organizations are facing major change, disruption and uncertainty. This crisis presents unprecedented challenges because of its worldwide scale, unpredictability and speed. Emergencies such as the...
by Christi Barrett | Decision-making, Emotional Intelligence, Judgment, Leadership
I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty much always right. I may be able to put on a face of openness, but I am at heart a very opinionated person. Ask me about almost any subject, and I most likely will have a strong (and well-reasoned) opinion on it. The...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Success, Teamwork
You have a great relationship with the people you supervise and encourage them to come to you with any issues that need your attention. But are you hearing everything you need to hear – especially the bad news? According to a Fast Company article called How to...
by John Barrett | Emotional Intelligence, Judgment
The glass is half full. Or maybe not. Business Week recently profiled a new book by Barbara Ehrenreich titled Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America. Her premise is that an overabundance of unwarranted positive thinking...