by Christi Barrett | Meetings
Do you look forward to meetings? (Yes, we know you just spit up your coffee when you read that.) Most people find meetings to be overly long, boring, repetitive and lacking concrete outcomes. Given how much of our work lives we spend in meetings, this issue of poorly...
by Christi Barrett | Decision-making, Goals
Leaders are fantastic problem-solvers. However, there may be situations that are so confusing that they defy the typical problem-solving strategies. What do you do when you’re faced with a thorny dilemma and can’t think of what to do? Steve McKee...
by Christi Barrett | Meetings
You’re scheduled for a meeting next week, and you receive the agenda in your email. You’re pleased to see that there is a designated facilitator for the meeting, but not so thrilled that it’s you. If your meetings are like mine, they can sometimes...
by Christi Barrett | Goals, Strategic
Most leaders I know have lost sleep because they are preoccupied with work. They’ve felt pulled in multiple directions at once. They often don’t feel like there is enough time in the day to do what needs to be done. One recently commented, “I have 15...
by Christi Barrett | Meetings
I saw a post today about how to drastically cut meeting time by sending out relevant materials in advance and proceeding right to discussion. Margaret Heffeman writes in her blog at that assuming people do their homework and proceeding right to discussion...