by David Wheatley | Delegation, Leadership
Refrigerator magnet spotted at a client’s office recently: “Of course I don’t look busy. I delegated it right the first time.”While competent delegation won’t really take away all of your work, it will mean that you’re able to do...
by John Barrett | Leadership, Success
Anne Berkowitch, co-founder and CEO of SelectMinds, advocates leading from the back of the boat in her interview posted at the New York Times’ Corner Office Blog. She notes that the best analogy for leadership is not the military general leading the charge, but...
by Christi Barrett | Leadership, Organizational Climate
Charlie, a retired engineer, is Humanergy’s on-call handyman. And he is so much more than that. Charlie can fix anything. Even more impressive than his multitude of abilities is his total commitment to our organization. From day one, Charlie has taken ownership...
by Christi Barrett | Leadership, Organizational Climate
An article by Krisztina Holly and Jim Clifton in Business Week recently postulated that the answer to our economic woes is to inspire and empower employees to innovate. They challenged leaders to stop focusing on layoffs and unemployment and start paying...
by Christi Barrett | Organizational Climate
What response would you get if you asked employees how it feels to work at your organization? “Not bad” or “depends on the day” might be among the answers. Humanergy recently asked its employees what they thought, and their unanimous response...