by Christi Barrett | Discipline, Productivity
Let’s be clear we are talking about stuff – paper, gadgets, broken equipment and the like. As Humanergy has transitioned from a large office (equivalent to 3-bedroom home with full basement, plus two outbuildings), we are living into the benefits of a...
by Christi Barrett | Mutual Understanding
I am in a meeting with someone, talking about the status of projects, next steps and responsibilities. As usual, I bring along a notepad and pen to jot down important details that I know I won’t remember. (I have given up the illusion that I am capable of...
by Christi Barrett | Discipline, Time Management
I am great at making to-do lists. Right now I have a paper list at my office, one in Outlook tasks, and two or three on scraps of paper at home, including one that’s buried in a pile of bills and paperwork that needs filing. No surprise – my...