by Christi Barrett | Choice, Mindfulness
David and Launda Wheatley spent roughly two months training and then crossing the Atlantic with two friends on a 39-foot sailboat. See more about this amazing adventure on their blog. Among the many lessons learned through the joys and occasional adversity: This too...
by John Barrett | Influence, Leadership
Influence allows you to impact results through your interactions with other people. Although you can’t control the outcome completely, you can increase the probability of achieving the impact you desire by how you network, communicate and find common ground with other...
by Michelle VanderMeer | Decision-making, Decisiveness, Influence, Leadership
You have a position on an issue or a new idea that you believe is right for the organization. In spite of significant effort, the innovation isn’t gaining traction. In fact, there appears to be significant opposition. It can be tempting to throw in the towel,...