See people with fresh eyes

See people with fresh eyes

I like to think I do an average job of being mindful. Yet the HBR article, See Colleagues as They Are, Not as They Were, brought me up short. I’m not a grudge-holder by nature, yet I know that I do bring past experiences with people to bear on today’s...
Good people in a bad system

Good people in a bad system

We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Jim Coyle, CEO of Nexus Business Solutions. They are experts at helping small to mid-sized businesses implement practical solutions, utilizing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS).   Nexus just turned 11 years old....
True alignment

True alignment

I’m in the early planning stages for an event for a nonprofit organization. This process has reacquainted me with the need to work hard to get all parties aligned on a project before moving forward. Too often, I take it for granted that everyone is on the same...
Who are your peeps?

Who are your peeps?

Who you choose to spend time with speaks volumes. Do you choose to associate with people who love you? What about people who don’t – people who are not your biggest fans? When it comes right down to it, many of us (me included) don’t like to see our...
Happy team, happy life?

Happy team, happy life?

Unless you’re a lighthouse keeper (is that still an occupation?) or are currently castaway on a deserted island, you work with other people. Even if you’re an individual contributor (fancy talk for don’t have anyone reporting to you), you most likely...