Choose your big rocks

Choose your big rocks

The classic Stephen Covey story goes like this: In the middle of a seminar on time management, recalls Covey in his book First Things First, the lecturer said, “Okay, it’s time for a quiz.” Reaching under the table, he pulled out a wide-mouthed...
When? Now!

When? Now!

I don’t often get my inspiration from a Dove dark chocolate wrapper, but today was an exception. I’ve been halfheartedly investing in a few things that I really want to accomplish, and this gave me a bit of a push. What do you need to take off the back...
Are you listening?

Are you listening?

Today’s guest blogger is Nancy Owsianowski, friend of Humanergy and founder of RoundTable Consulting in South Bend, Indiana.    “Leaders {who} refuse to listen will quickly be surrounded by people with nothing to say.” This quote by Andy Stanley...
Claim time for you

Claim time for you

If you’re like me, it can be hard to reign in a busy schedule and make time for personal needs. I have fewer problems balancing work, family and friends, but when it comes to space for exercise and relaxation, it’s harder. I’m good at putting others...