Claim time for you

Claim time for you

If you’re like me, it can be hard to reign in a busy schedule and make time for personal needs. I have fewer problems balancing work, family and friends, but when it comes to space for exercise and relaxation, it’s harder. I’m good at putting others...


Humanergy’s word for 2015 is “essentialism.” This is the disciplined pursuit of less, as described in Greg McKeown’s book of the same name. No, we’re not working less intensely or getting less done. We’re simply focusing our...
What journey are you taking?

What journey are you taking?

While we’re not big on people categorization, sometimes great questions do emerge from these distinctions. I find that you can categorize people as inward-journey and outward-journey focused. Inward-journey people seek to understand themselves and others and...
Spring clean!

Spring clean!

My goal for this spring is to clean out my basement. (My youngest is 13. Why do I still have a toddler’s play kitchen?) Spring is also a golden opportunity to clear the decks of your leadership. Consider these questions. What is important to you? What are your...
What should you do today?

What should you do today?

Whatcha doing today? Most of us try to tackle too many priorities, and that is bad for the organization’s bottom line and your personal effectiveness. As you plan your action for the day, do one thing that combines these two powerful, energizing factors: Do what...