A clean desk makes you more productive?

A clean desk makes you more productive?

Confession: I generally have a messy desk. Yet I feel increasingly drawn to tidying it up before I dig into work. (Yes, the photo on my post is my actual desk. And, no, I didn’t clean it before I snapped the picture.)Maybe that’s because I subconsciously...
Surprising benefits of nature

Surprising benefits of nature

I recently traveled to Australia to visit family, and I was struck by the extent to which they live outdoors. Almost all restaurants have outside seating, and many interior spaces are open-air. Walking and biking are common and encouraged by good footpaths...
Subterranean conflict

Subterranean conflict

Luis had finally had it. After months of feeling under attack by Josie, he called in sick for the third time that month. Feeling exhausted and drained, he began to compose his letter of resignation.When poorly managed or left to escalate, conflict has a...
Could you take 2 months off?

Could you take 2 months off?

I’m preparing for a grand adventure. Two months of early summer will be spent sailing from the Virgin Islands to Wales. My fearless wife Launda will join me with two friends from England aboard the Ruby May. We will begin with two weeks of training, then take to...
Avoid being trampled by sacred cows

Avoid being trampled by sacred cows

We love our business manager, Karen Parker, and  we’d feel lost without her amazing skills, steadfast care and phenomenal customer service. We also know that there are some things she does “Karen’s Way,” and that is not changing. How...