by Christi Barrett | Decision-making
Ever have a project you’ve invested time, money, sweat and heart in, only to realize (often well after you should) that it’s not going to reap the right results? It can be difficult to pull the plug on a venture that once was full of potential and...
by Christi Barrett | Decisiveness
Here at Humanergy, we are passionate about what we do – helping leaders, teams and organizations thrive. We’d even go so far as to say that passion at work is a prerequisite for great leadership, team work and individual contribution. And it should also be...
by Christi Barrett | Strategic, Time Management
You may have heard the phrase, “eat the frog first.” We blogged about it years ago. Essentially, the advice is to tackle the big, difficult, unappetizing or complicated project first, before you fritter time away on the easier, quicker tasks. That’s...
by Christi Barrett | Delegation, Interdependence
I’m in the early planning stages for an event for a nonprofit organization. This process has reacquainted me with the need to work hard to get all parties aligned on a project before moving forward. Too often, I take it for granted that everyone is on the same...
by Christi Barrett | Performance
We love our business manager, Karen Parker, and we’d feel lost without her amazing skills, steadfast care and phenomenal customer service. We also know that there are some things she does “Karen’s Way,” and that is not changing. How can you...